Kagemaru Raid

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Full retranslation of the Kagemaru Raid Event

SPOILER WARNING: Plot and/or ending details ahead. Proceed with caution!

Raid Intro: "Whatever-maru" XENO

Etna: Finally! The rumors about property for sale on the resort have died down. Geez, what a freakin' pain that was. Well, at least the resort is all right now~ Player, thanks for the assist...

Timmy: T-trouble!! Missy Etna, Player!!

Etna: ...Oh NOW what? Is someone after my land again?

Timmy: N-Not that! Some weirdo ninja is wreckin' the place...

Kagemaru: How naive, little beast tamer...! Thinking you could escape from Kagemaru was your first mistake...!

Kagemaru bio: A Whatever-maru from another dimension. Her creed is "To prevent dishonoring yourself, I shall grant you assisted suicide!" For the treasonous, assisted suicide! For the cowardly, assisted suicide! For those who dare get in my way, assisted suicide! ...She says 'assisted suicide', but it's basically just plain decapitation at that point. She seems to have left her village and abandoned her former name, though it doesn't seem like her current name suits her too well. What could the mysterious former name of Whatever-maru truly be...!?

Timmy: T-that's the weirdo, Missy Etna! Yammerin' bout assisted suicide and swingin' that blade around!

Kagemaru: Etna? The Saint...? No, it can't be. This must be the Etna of this world.

Etna: A weirdo masked ninja... are you Yukimaru? Wait, if you're talking about the Saint... it's gotta be that XENO thing again, right?

Kagemaru: I- I know not any "Yukimaru"! My name is Kagemaru, za- err, is Kagemaru!! No zam.

Etna: Nah, not buying it. You totally were about to say 'zam'. No matter how I look at things, I'm getting a real "Yukimaru XENO" vibe from you...

Yukimaru: Lady Etna, are you unharmed, zam!? I caught word that another like me had appeared to attack you, zam!

Etna: Oh goodie, you're here too. Don't stress about it. My employee here got a little banged up, but no big deal. The second Yukimaru is right over there. See, in the mask.

Yukimaru: So this black-clad ninja is a second Me...! What an overpowering sense of murderous intent I sense from her, zam!

Kagemaru: Y-you're damn right I'm intent on some murder!! I don't know who you are, but my name is Kagemaru!!

Etna: Yes yes, we heard you. Yukimaru. So? Why'd you attack Timmy here?

Timmy: Yeah, it sounded like she's lookin' for someone. Maybe I look like her target?

Kagemaru: I am after a demon with a beast's tail and a mighty fist. My target definitely escaped into this world. I shall not cease my pursuit until I have granted my prey an honorable assisted suicide.

Yukimaru: A-assisted suicide, zam!?

Etna: You keep saying that, is that some kinda weird ninja honor thing? The one Yukimaru's always going on about with the belly-slicing and all that? Geez, what a roundabout way to go about some good old fashioned murder...

Yukimaru: I-it's not weird, zam! Lady Etna, have I not explained before that the role of the assistant in ritual suicide is to behead the dishonored to cut short their suffering, and...

Kagemaru: Hmph, no need for all the belly-slicing stuff! I'll skip straight ahead to the beheading part for you right now!!

Yukimaru: Oh come on! That really IS just murder, zam! Why does everyone have to disrespect traditional ritual suicide so much!?

Kageyama: Silence! My enemy is extremely dangerous! When I find my prey, I'm going straight for the neck! For the treasonous, assisted suicide! For the cowardly, assisted suicide! For the incompetent, assisted suicide! For those who dare get in my way, all of them, assisted suicide!

Timmy: How is that a mercy killing? There's no 'mercy' here, it's just a 'killing'!

Etna: Honestly, this one's more annoying than Yukimaru's normal suicide schtick...

Kagemaru: Regardless, that beast-tamer has the same kind of tail as my target! They must be kin of some sort! You must know something! Spit it out! If you try to deceive me, it's assisted suicide for you!

Timmy: I'm tellin' ya, ya got it all wrong! I'm talkin', aren't ya listenin'!?

Yukimaru: Nin nin! Listen well, second Me! Your dedication to your mission is admirable, zam. But, perhaps you are being a bit too extreme?

Kagemaru: S-second YOU!? How dare you, I am Kagemaru!! You are just some random other person, za-- just some rando!! You lowlifes are trying to get in my way...! Didn't I warn you what would happen to those who dared to get in my way? Assisted suicide for you all! Witness the power I've obtained since abandoning that village...!!