Sicily XENO Raid

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Full retranslation of the Sicily XENO Raid Event

SPOILER WARNING: Plot and/or ending details ahead. Proceed with caution!

Raid Intro: The Thunderlord and the Lil' Sis Overlord

Laharl: What's going on with this Etna in white here? I'm kinda busy playing addictive video games at the moment. Keep it brief.

Sicily: Big Brother! You shouldn't talk to a holy woman like that! You need to properly address her as "Saint". Here, if you're having etiquette troubles, I'll help you practice~.

Etna: Ugh, just ignore those two, okay? Now finally, if you're gonna ask for our help, you think you can clue us in as to the reason?

Saint Etna: Of course. It's because I fled here that you were all caught up in the troubles with the XENO Faction. My deepest apologies. The truth is, the XENO Faction are after me to further their goals.

Flonne: What nefarious purposes could they have in mind for you?

Saint Etna: Well, you see...

Laharl: Hold on, something's appearing!

Sicily XENO: HAAAAHAHAHAHA! Witness, it is I! The Black Ruin Overlord, Sicily! Guided by the dark light of the silver moon, I have come forth to your wretched world!

Sicily XENO bio: A Sicily from another dimension. The fluttering red scarf is proof of her title as (self-proclaimed) Overlord. Her fingers are adorned with special rings that can activate powerful techniques. Obviously, Sicily must shout the name of the ring when she uses these techniques, because it's cooler that way, hahahaha! Though, even if she remembers the names of the rings she uses most often, she pretty much forgets the names of the others almost immediately.

Sicily XENO: I've found you now, Saint Etna! Hm? What's this? Could that be this other world's version of the brilliant me? And Brother as well? Oh of course... you're all so afraid of my brilliant wickedness that you're attempting to ambush me?

Sicily: Y-You've got the same face as me? You must be the me from that other world that Big Bro and the others were talking about then? We may look alike, but this annoying attitude is just...

Sicily XENO: Hmhmhm! Terrifying? I know I am, Copy-Me. But don't worry your pretty head over it. The only victim my brilliant self is after today is that pesky Saint!

Thunderlord Laharl: WAIT!

Saint Etna: Oh my, it's you! Prince Laharl!?

Thunderlord Laharl: My lady Saint Etna? What are you doing here too?

Thunderlord Laharl bio: A Laharl from another dimension. A noble Prince with a serious demeanor and white clothes that really stick out in the Netherworld. Because he fights with the power of lightning, he is known as the "Thunderlord". His job is to protect Saint Etna from the XENO Faction, but it seems he came to this world following after his younger sister this time.

Sicily XENO: Tch, it appears my elder brother has already caught up to me. So irritating...

Thunderlord Laharl: My dear little sister, you must stop doing dangerous things with these XENO ruffians and come back home with your worried big brother!

Laharl: "Dear little sister"? "Worried big brother"? Ugh, these touchy-feely names make me sick!

Sicily: While I wouldn't mind being called "dear little sister" sometimes myself... Somehow it just feels wrong picturing my Big Bro ever saying it.

Laharl: That is exactly right, Sicily! Saying mushy stuff like that is no way for an Overlord to act! How dare you, Other-Me!

Thunderlord Laharl: No way for an Overlord to act, you say? Nonsense, I have an important and dear little sister to protect and nothing else takes precedence over that...!

Laharl: No one could handle being an Overlord with that attitude. This Black Ruin Sicily would definitely make a way better Overlord than this loser!

Sicily XENO: Hmhmhm, this world's version of my elder brother really gets me! How about it? Shall we join forces and conquer the Netherworld together?

Sicily: H-hey wait! This Big Bro is MY Big Bro! You can't just do whatever you like!

Thunderlord Laharl: That's right, my dear Sicily! Your loving Big Bro is right here! Come on, let's go home and fix that weird edgy way of speaking you've picked up lately!

Sicily XENO: H-how dare you! I have always spoke thusly! Begone, mine unsightly elder brother! The power of the stars that rests within these ten glittering rings on my fingers shall banish you to an unending purgatory! "Burning Sirius" upon my right index finger! "Glittering Polaris" upon my right middle finger! Feel the all-consuming hellfire that would destroy all those who dare taint my name as Overlord! Even if you are my elder brother, none shall oppose the Black Ruin Overlord Sicily...!

Raid Ending: Conflicted Big Brother

Sicily XENO: I-is this corporal punishment?! But... not even Dad ever spanked me before! This sucks...

Thunderlord Laharl: Oh no, Little Sis, are you okay?! You're not hurt are you?! Here, why don't we have a sit-down and rest? Oh, maybe we should go to a hospital?!

Laharl: Geez you worry too much, Vanilla-Me... You can't call yourself an Overlord with that attitude... And you, Dark-Sicily, not bad. I recognize your talent for stealing the position of Overlord.

Sicily XENO: Oh yeah? Hahahaha! Of course! As expected, this version of Brother finally gets me.

Sicily: Big Brother's never praised me like that before...

Etna: Would you really call that praise?

Flonne: Now now, don't worry. I know that deep down, Laharl really cares about his real sister. I'm an expert on this subject.

Laharl: H-hey! Don't go putting words in my mouth!

Etna: Yeah, if you make him admit that kind of thing, it'll basically ruin any last scrap of demonic dignity he has left.

Laharl: You're the biggest problem when it comes to ruining my scraps of dignity!

Thunderlord Laharl: Little Sis, that's enough now. Mom and Dad have been worried. It's time to go back home. Yes, come on back home with me and we'll watch your favorite little anime together! I'll even help you with any big words they might use in it.

Sicily XENO: Oh. My. God. Stop treating me like a little kid! I'm a freakin' Overlord already! ...Ugh, I'm so over this. I've wasted enough time on my dumb brother. Hey you, Copy-Me! Don't think you can rest easy! We'll be coming for you all soon. Overlord Sicily, away! HAAAAHAHAHAHA!!

Thunderlord Laharl: ...wait! Oh no, those awful XENO ruffians have been a bad influence on her! I'll never forgive them!

Saint Etna: Prince Laharl, my deepest apologies. I never thought even little Sicily would become wrapped up in this.

Thunderlord Laharl: To think the XENO Faction would go to such drastic lengths to pursue you, Saint Etna. ...Even if their underlings are mostly incompetent.

Saint Etna: Indeed. So Prince Laharl, I have an idea, but we'll need the help of Player and these Otherworld folks that look like us.


Sicily XENO: Geez, what a pain! I can't believe Big Bro sided with that Saint lady! I wanted us to conquer the Netherworld togetherrr!

Voice: So the Thunderlord has sided with the opposition?

Sicily XENO: W-whoa, don't pop out like that...! Were you watching during my battle before?

Voice: Indeed, in its entirety. It appears that which obstructs your dream of Netherworld domination with your brother is the Holy Woman.

Sicily XENO: Hmph! That's nothing! I was just tired today from staying up late last night playing too many video games! All I have to do is go to bed early tonight and beating them'll be simple!

Voice: Then sleep well, Sicily XENO. ...This thorn in our side is proving quite meddlesome. Well then, Saint, we'll just have to devise a more cunning strategy, won't we?